Make sure your electrics are safe in your home or office.


Electrical Installation Condition Reports, or EIC Reports (EICR), are a staple item when buying or selling a property.


The EIC Report is a complete appraisal of the state of the electrical system, and it is applicable to both domestic and commercial premises.


In business, there is a requirement to obtain a new report every few years to ensure you are compliant with health and safety legislation.


Speedek can test and report on any electrical installation.

Domestic Electrical Safety Reports


Prior to purchasing a new home, homebuyers often request electrical safety certificates.


The mortgage lender or surveyor may recommend that a report is obtained to ensure there are no serious problems with the electrical supply.


Homeowners often call in a contractor to ensure that their home is tested prior to the property being placed on the market.

If electrical problems or risks are identified, Speedek supplies free quotations for major work so that the buyer and vendor are clear about the extent of the problem. The cost than then be accurately used in further negotiation, helping all parties to reach a swift and fair conclusion.

Commercial Electrical Safety Reports


In business, Electrical Installation Condition Reports must be ordered on a regular basis to ensure that the building’s electrics comply with the HSW Act.


The business may need to commission a new report after a disaster, such as a flood or fire.


Our Electrical Installation Condition Report will check that personnel and livestock will not be at risk of injury (such as shock or burns) resulting from a fault in the electrical system. It also checks that the building is protected against heat damage and is of sound condition.

Keep your business running with commercial and industrial electrical engineers. Call us on 01772 760455